Freeze, Hang, Restart...
Slow, Slow Speed Limit...
Yep, that just about sums up the wireless capabilities of the KyLinTV set-top box (STB).
After several days of testing both the wired, wireless and a wireless bridge with the KyLinTV STB here are the results:
First, the KyLinTV set-top box (STB) only supports WEP and no support for WPA. This is a bit of a problem since WEP isn't exactly secure and my wireless network uses WPA rather than WEP. I am not willing to downgrade my security for the benefit of KyLinTV's choice to use outdated technology. Come on guys, get with it and use WPA!
Remeber, if you just have to try it:
- If you are using character based WEP key you have to enter a s: before the WEP key
- If you are using a HEX Key it needs to be in all capitals
Second, while using the built-in wireless capabilities of the KyLinTV STB I noticed something very early on during the testing. It SUCKS!!!
Yeah, that is what I said, and I can't stress this enough! The KyLinTV STB freezes every 5-15 minutes while using the built-in wireless interface. The STB then needs to be either restarted by flipping the power switch on the back of the unit or completely unplugging the STB and plugging the power back in.
It is certainly a problem with the wireless since when connected to a wired connection or a wireless bridge the STB never freezes.
So, you need wireless, want WPA and you have an extra $50? Great, you can do what I did and get the Buffalo Technology AirStation Turbo G High Power Wireless Ethernet Converter ( WLI-TX4-G54HP )
Third, I established in a previous post the problem with the KyLinTV set-top box (STB) and the built-in speed test. Tried it with wireless and I was never able to break 1.66 Mbps. Increases to the 2.66 Mbps - 2.99 Mbps max average speed I am presented with regardless of my real download bandwidth.
Do not use the built-in wireless function inside the KyLinTV Set-Top Box.
If you need wireless get the Buffalo Technology AirStation Turbo G High Power Wireless Ethernet Converter ( WLI-TX4-G54HP )
Techinical Specs:
Firmware Version 2.1.12
Interesting, I just the the Kylin box and using wireless. There are some pixelation. I wonder if LAN connection gets them too. So far, my box has yet to freeze yet.
I wish they would just stop the scrolling text on the bottom of the shows. It's annoying as hell.
Well, I experience pixelation using wireless and wired. I think it has more to do with their encoding process for live TV rather than the connection. The reason I say that is because the on-demand shows have almost none if any pixelation.
The scrolling text is annoying but it is better than live TV in China. It is really funny to see the smaller cities blur out the ticker with advertisements to scroll their own advertisements.
This year I even saw the Parent station scrolling across the bottom and the affiliate scrolling vertically on the right!
So, I guess I can live with KyLinTV's scrolling, annoying but I can survive;)
i entered the right WEP key and it says wrong password try again! WTF??? help plz
just got the latest firmware installed (2.2.1 I think) and WAP is now working great!!!
This is the top Google hit for "kylintv wpa" and unfortunately it has old information.
WPA is now supported, both TKIP and AES. I bought a wireless bridge because I read this before I purchased. Oops! :(
Yes, apparently WPA is now supported. I discontinued my service long ago because of KyLinTV's poor service and continued outages.
That is why posts are dated on blogs though, so people can see that WPA wasn't supported at the time of writing. I guess it also shows how KyLinTV was so slow to move along with the rest of the world and security standards. WEP was cracked a long time before they finally enabled WPA, forcing their wireless customers to find alternatives on their own if they wanted to protect their networks.
However, I am really happy they now support WPA for their users! It is an excellent improvement and a move in the right direction.
My parents are not computer savy, I am considered their IT dept.
Wireless was great at first then it kept on say DHCP failed.
the wireless network was working fine. Even Assigned the ip to the kylintv Wlan mac address and still won't take it. so built a wirless bridge with an old belkin router running ddwrt. Client Bridge more resolve the issue.
I even tried a LARGER antenna and no go with that setup.. definitely something wrong with the wlan card built in the kylintv box.
I wish i can speak proper chinese so i can complain about the box, but my chinese ( cantonese/mandarin) is very limited.
The internal wireless chip of the box is certainly broken, but one thing may help: try changing the channel of your router. For my case, forcing the router to use channel 11 has a better chance for the box to pick up the signal, though sometimes, it still doesnt work
hi, my kylin box won't even detect my wireless. as matter of the fact, it only detected 1 wireless connection around my neighborhood, while my laptops, Ipad, cellphone, detect at least 5. Any suggestions?
Can you provide some details on your wireless network?
Ad-hoc or infrastructure mode?
802.11 b, g, n or a combination of what?
Open, WEP, WPA?
Is your SSID broadcasting or hidden?
MAC filtering on/off?
What channel are you using or is it on automatic?
And the classic answer (IT Crowd fans) have you tried turning it off and then on again?
get "Server Busy..." contantly. Call tech support, solved, and same problem comes back after a while of usage. I have 6M DSL.
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